Women thought about breast augmentation back in the Middle Ages. Then the appearance of a magnificent bust was created due to the special cut of clothing. However, these first secrets of "feminine cut" are still used today, in the same push-up bras. But how beautiful natural breasts look that have not lost their shape with age or after lactation! Modern women are still worried about the attractiveness of their own bodies, and the fashion for natural beauty and a sporty look only spurs them on.
The approach to the issue of breast augmentation usually begins with the use of various "folk" methods, which often do not give a tangible effect. Then the woman thinks about more radical methods. And then advertising comes to the rescue, which offers a lot of options for increasing breast size.
Let's start with the elementary - breast diet. Many people attribute the magical properties of cabbage.
Grown women are of little use to her. Of course, the product is good in general for health, rich in vitamins, but it will only contribute to an increase in the bust if the woman recovers. In this matter, cabbage is also a "helper", depending on how much and with what it is eaten . . .
By the way, nutritionists say that when gaining a kilo of weight, no more than 10-20 grams are sent to the chest.
By the way, cabbage has a bad side effect - it causes fermentation processes in the intestines and can cause flatulence and bloating. So you should not be zealous with the use of this product.
The second place in breast diets is occupied by beer, or rather, yeast. As with cabbage, the main consequence of frequent consumption of such foods is excess weight. Beer, like an intoxicated drink, is credited with the ability to influence male hormonal levels and even potency. A lot has been said about this in articles about beer alcoholism. I would like to immediately notice that women who dream of increasing estrogen through drinking beer are unlikely to succeed.
Bottled beer hardly contains real hops. Yeast, whether pressed or dry, is also pasteurized. Accordingly, there is no guarantee that a brewed yeast diet will enlarge breasts and not create liver and digestive problems.
The second popular way to increase breast size is through physical activity.
Let's make a reservation right away that we have nothing against such loads. Helpful. Helps to keep the body in good shape. Yes, and relieves psychological stress.
But the breast does not enlarge. If you "swing" the pectoral muscle, you will be able to slightly raise the bust that has dropped after childbirth. But you won't be able to do it anymore. Exercise leads to leanness and weight loss, and subcutaneous fat in the chest area is burned faster than on the same thighs.
There are many creams, gels and oils available for breast augmentation. The composition contains a hormonal component, so there is a chance to make a bigger bust for a while. Slightly - usually by 0. 5-1 sizes.
Medicines for the treatment of mastopathy have a similar effect.
As soon as the girl stops using them, the breasts return to their size after a week.
An important point: a doctor prescribes creams for mastopathy, since it is dangerous to take hormonal drugs on your own!
Some gynecologists are sure that the uncontrolled use of creams and oils "for breast enlargement", on the contrary, can cause neoplasms of the mammary glands.
Some women decide to take hormonal medications for breast augmentation. Some birth control pills are known to have this very "pretty" side effect.
But when taking pills, this is a temporary matter. Perhaps not without consequences - as it can cause hormonal disturbances and the appearance of excess weight. However, many women have been taking birth control pills for decades without any complications.
Attempts to change the size of the breasts by injecting "something" into it to add volume are more than a hundred years old. First, the breasts were enlarged with paraffin injections. The first operation dates back to 1889. The result was, but it was accompanied by a host of side effects. Paraffin is a substance alien to the body, as a result of which rejection occurred. Inflammatory processes began in the chest, which could even lead to the death of the patient.
Much later, liquid silicone, polyacrylamide gel (PAGE) and its analogues began to be injected into the chest. Unlike paraffin, these materials are perceived by the body much better. Nevertheless, there is a serious risk of capsular contracture. Around any (even theoretically harmless) foreign body, the body forms a protective capsule that grows from connective tissues. Such capsules form even around a common splinter. The problem is that the capsule can become very hard. Each scattered drop is covered with a capsule, and the silicone sandwiched inside the capsule "solidifies". As a result, there are frequent cases when, after injections of a synthetic gel, the breast begins to harden, the patient experiences pressure, pain. By the way, the famous actress and model of the 1950s-1960s, Marilyn Monroe, complained of chest pain after the operation. Until November 2013, no one could question the naturalness of Marilyn's rich forms, but last year the documents of the star's personal doctor became available to the public.
Inflammation and gel migration in the breasts may require reoperation. However, it is very difficult to remove all silicone embedded in the breast. But the main problem of silicone gel is the woman's doom to the impossibility of reliable diagnosis of the breast. It is very difficult for a mammologist to differentiate (distinguish) a gel in a gland from a tumor. Such patients are recommended to carry out diagnostics "in the same hands" and store the research results for comparative characteristics.
Injection of hyaluronic acid into the breasts
New is the change in breast size with hyaluronic acid. There is so far the only injectable filler designed specifically to increase the volume of the bust, buttocks and other parts of the body.
Its effect is similar to that of any other fillers based on hyaluronic acid - when it gets into the tissue, it fills the intercellular space, thereby increasing the volume. Like any hyaluronic acid, the gel will dissolve within a year. There are no particular drawbacks to this method, although there are descriptions of the migration of the gel outside the mammary gland, which may be due to the too large injection volume. On average, 200-300 ml is required for breast augmentation.
Now let's smoothly move on to the disadvantage of the method. The average cost is much cheaper than the cost of hyaluronic face fillers, but taking into account the need to introduce large volumes, the total amount is rather big. And the effect will last only a year . . .
It is hoped that competition from manufacturers will lower the price of fillers and make this method more affordable.
Breast lipofilling
The patient's own fat is used to fill the breast up to the desired size. The method is controversial, but popular.
Our fat cells do not cause rejection processes in the body, and after transplantation into the breast area they take root in a new place.
Lipofilling is an excellent method for correcting the shape of the breast, eliminating asymmetry, reconstruction after surgery to remove tumors. But as a method of increasing the size, it is ineffective, since it is actually able to add breasts of 0. 5 - 1 size. More often than not, several fat transfer operations are required to achieve a noticeable result.
It is known that breast lipofilling has not yet been approved by the World Health Organization, and the American Association of Plastic Surgeons does not recommend its use, since the far-reaching consequences of such operations are still not known. In other words, the method is not well understood. Therefore, during lipofilling, surgeons place fat only in the subcutaneous and retromammary spaces of the gland. The glandular tissue itself is not affected.
Silicone Implants
Breast augmentation by placing foreign objects in it - bone, glass, wool, sponge and rubber - has been known since the first decades of the twentieth century. The consequences of these operations cannot be called successful, since they led mainly to tissue rejection and even necrosis. Only the appearance of silicone implants in the early 1960s finally gave impetus to the positive dynamics of the development of plastic surgery for breast augmentation.
Since then, silicone implants have gone through five stages of improvement.
A modern implant can have different shapes. For breast augmentation, either drop-shaped (give a greater effect of naturalness) or round implants are used. Inside, they are filled with a thick cohesive silicone gel, which has the property of retaining its shape and not spreading, even if the shell is damaged, although this happens very rarely in practice.
Of course, breast augmentation with implants is the most effective method to achieve the best results. But it also has its limitations and disadvantages. First, an invasive operation is performed, which requires preliminary examination and is associated with the usual operational risks.
Secondly, around the implant, like a foreign body, the same aforementioned capsule of connective tissues grows, which in rare cases leads to the development of capsular contracture. Sometimes you even have to do a second operation to remove the capsule. To avoid this side effect, in the latest generation of silicone implants, the shell was changed: from smooth to rough, covered with tiny villi. Such a surface does not allow the growth of an overly dense and hard capsule.
Thirdly, the implanted breast will always be denser than the natural one. When a woman lies on her back, such breasts do not spread.
Fourthly, a scar up to 5 cm long remains: either under the breast, or on the areola, or under the armpit, depending on the surgical approach.
After breast augmentation, compression underwear should be worn for two months, and then for another six months, the bust should be hidden from direct sunlight. By the way, the sun does not benefit the female breast at all, since ultraviolet light provokes many undesirable processes in the mammary glands. It is enough to compare the quality of the skin in older women in the décolleté area (the area open to sunlight) and in the breast area.
Breast implants do not interfere with regular breast examinations and allow the baby to be fed (a lot depends on how the implant is placed). All implants have a lifetime warranty, although over the years the breasts can lose their original shape, because the tissues still stretch with age. In this case, both regular exercise and a surgical breast lift, if necessary, will be beneficial.
Breast augmentation with silicone implants remains the most popular plastic surgery in the world, according to the American Association of Plastic Surgeons. It is used by women of different ages, but it is still not recommended to undergo surgery for girls under 18 years of age. There is no upper age limit for breast augmentation (if all health indicators are normal), because beautiful breasts can be at any age!